Aric Chakma

Writing that's properly voiced, fully researched, and easy to read!

About Me

Can the dog hunt?

Hello, my name is Aric Chakma. I'm the founder of Saucerful of Ideas, and an inbound marketing specialist. I can offer you 5 years of experience working for, The Growth Industry, Arabia with Class and Saucerful of Ideas. I create content that connects, engages, converts and its intoxicating.  

What I can do for you? I can offer solutions, opportunities for your readers to solve their problems and move forward. I can spread your ideas and change the culture of your market. Together we can build something that people would miss if it were gone.

I'm interested in new challenges and love taking them on. My career keeps changing and my skills keep sharpening, but one thing remains the same: I still persuade people to buy whatever it is you have to sell. 

Also, I'm slightly obsessed with football and start-ups. Slightly.

Featured Articles

Explore a featured selection of my writing work below.

Contact Me

 Drop me a line. Let's get creative.

Awesome. Let's get some results together.

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